The UK’s Best Indies 2025

Jan 7, 2025

We’re one of the UK’s best independent wine merchants again!

We are absolutely thrilled to be awarded one of the top independent wine merchants in the UK for the ninth consecutive year, especially among over 1,000 high quality contenders.

The judges said: “With two shops in Oundle selling over 800 wines and spirits from around the world from some 55 odd suppliers, this family business has been going strong since 1901 spanning four wine enthused generations. From WSET courses and more intimate guided tastings, to the firepit and barbecue area, by way of the enomatic machine and coravin, this is a merchant that not only covers all of the bases but does so extremely well. Moreover, a healthy wholesale side now accounts for 50% of the business.”

What an incredible start to the new year! We couldn’t have done it without your loyalty and support, so a big THANK YOU to our amazing customers.

Shop our award winning range here.